WEEK 155
God, what is your guidance for me, today?
Let today be a day of love and joy.
Be happy for the good others are
Make a point to say something positive
to as many people as you can who show up
in your personal interactions.
Be easygoing… Do not rush or be hurried,
Take life as it comes, and trust God’s
movement in it.
Take time periodically today to:
Breathe in life…
Breathe out gratitude.
Look out on the world with angel eyes,
seeing the best in people.
Let any challenges to this melt in the grace
of divinity’s strength of love,
carried in your soul,
Evening Reflection
Today’s guidance was particularly powerful for me in that I was reminded that not everything needs to be taken literally. What I mean is, though I followed the guidance pretty well… I did not “say” something positive to everyone I had dealings with; at least not with my mouth saying words.
Sometimes, like in a quick exchange with someone, there is not time to just spout something that might seem incongruent with the situation or interaction. I smiled at people. For instance, I smiled at the grocery checkout clerk, whose checkout line I’ve been through many times. This time I smiled and said, “Thanks.”
A smile speaks a positive word. A kind act speaks a positive word.
I cooked a special dinner for my wife and son, who are leaving the country for a few weeks. That said a positive word. I also vocally said positive things to several people today, but simply was reminded that there are many ways to speak.
I also did not breathe in life and breathe out gratitude. But then… I realized later that I did, just not literally.
Today was such a busy day with family, and it included surprise visits from friends who stopped by for a second. It was one of the rare occasions I did not pull the guidance out to read it today. But it was in my pocket, and I realized I actually did breathe in life and breathe out gratitude. It just wasn’t literal. It was in my actions… my love expressed, joy shared, dinner cooked, family at the table together, daughter coming over to nap and eat, and watching a basketball game with my wife.
Oh yes! I did breathe in life and breathe out gratitude. Subconsciously, it is my every in-breath and out-breath.
How was your day of love and joy?