Sharp Guidance

Abundance: How do we create it in our lives?

by | Dec 6, 2022 | General




Are you longing to live life with a sense of abundance instead of lack? 

Wondering how to do that? 

Let’s take a closer look at what abundance is. 

The word abundance stems from the Latin word, ‘abundantia’ meaning overflowing. When something is overflowing, we have a large quantity or plenty of it. 


More than enough; a rich supply

Like the sum of stars in a midnight sky…

The Universe is a wonderful example of abundance for us. We can look up at night and see the expansive sky filled with stars that seem to never end. During the day, we look out into the natural world, and we see that it tends to grow, to expand, to become abundant. We see the new plants sprout up from the ground and flourish year after year, producing bountiful harvests for others to enjoy. 


More than mere growth; To thrive, blossom

Like talent well nourished and weeds untouched.

As human beings, we often long to bring abundance in our own lives, as plentiful as the plants in nature or stars in a night sky. Whether it be an abundance of love, health, opportunities, happiness, energy, money, or something more, we do have the power to create abundance in our lives. 

One way to cultivate an abundance mindset is to bring expansion into your life, like the night sky filled with stars that never seem to end. Letting go of limitations that create a feeling of contraction and replacing them with a sense of expansion will open the door to cultivating abundance. 

Wondering how to bring expansion into your life? I invite you to give these a try! 

  1. Be passionate about your life and what you choose to do in it. Passion helps you to grow, expand, and flourish in your life. 
  2. Set aside a time every day to sit in a quiet and peaceful place, closing your eyes and relaxing. This lets the noise and stress of the day dissolve and allows your body to bring you back to a more balanced place. 
  3. Focus on being in the present moment. Don’t dwell on regrets of the past or fears of the future. Those will only lead to contraction. Put your attention on the present where endless opportunities exist. 

As you begin to expand your life, you’ll experience that the door to abundance opens more easily. There will be space for it to flourish in your life! 

Welcome to a series of blog posts where I’ll share my poetic ponderings on a variety of words that I like to call Sharpettes, I offer them to you as inspiration for contemplation and living a full and joyful life. You can find more inspiration for daily living and connect with me here.

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