Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 79

by | Dec 17, 2021 | General




God, what is your guidance for me today?

Be steadfast in your love, today,

no matter the day’s challenges.


No matter the moods and emotions

that come up in yourself and others, today,

commit to being loving in it all

and through it all.

What do I mean by love?

Be gentle, kind and caring.

Do not have the need to defend yourself.

Value all you meet today. Prove it in your words.

Be about others first. Prove it in your actions.

Be patient.

Be magnanimous. Better yet, see all as equal,

none as rival, so there will be no need for magnanimity.

Be a great soul today.

No need to be demonstrative in this.

Simply be a gentle soul moving through the day

like clouds crossing the sky on a beautiful

spring afternoon.

And remember:

Be gentle with yourself, also.

Let a quiet, steady love be the breath of your soul today.

Evening Reflection 

I don’t know what it is about these challenges of living… especially the ones that challenge you to be loving no matter what.

The narcissistic ego does not want or like to be told to love no matter what. That word steadfast seems to set off a chain reaction of rebellion to the spiritual side of love and being loving. And it seemed everyone today was moody, emotional and somewhat irritating. But I am savvy enough at this point in my spiritual growth to realize it was all in me. It was my ego rebelling against my spiritual will and intention to grow and move a hair more in my own spiritual maturity. My ego is still there, but it clearly knows it is not the boss of me anymore. I see it for what it is and it does not want to be seen, just obeyed. It wants to rule and supersede; it wants to defeat the spiritual will of Presence in me. Ego wants to Edge-God-Out.

In any case, I was challenged big time today. When I received this guidance it was the word steadfast that kept attracting me. To be steadfast is not to get off track. It is to stand in the midst of the challenge and keep on keeping on. It is to love even when you would rather not. It’s loving anyway, even when that mere human part of you wants to trade insults, or fight back emotionally; or be aloof or glib instead of caring and present.

There was a moment of truth today when I had to decide; decide which me I wanted to be. I decided I wanted to be steadfast. That meant being gentle with myself, forgiving my shortcomings and asking God for strength. Furthermore, it entailed walking in the grace being offered, and surrendering my ego and will to win… and instead entering the realm of love. This was not of my own will but with divine help. It was not easy, but it is always possible.

How was you day living this guidance?


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