Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 188

by | Sep 3, 2023 | General

WEEK 188

God, what is your guidance for me today? How may I serve your will?

The highest calling is to love.

So… love.

This means being willing to put judgementalism 


and accepting everyone as they are.

It means paying attention and being aware of

when your ego is being energized,

and at that moment letting go of

its positionality…

and giving the issue to God.

To love is to see the divinity in all…

and to honor and respect it.

Doing these things today will influence

and inform what you say,

how you speak, and the manner

in which you treat people today.


no matter what. No matter who.

Are you willing to do this today?


Evening Reflection 

So… love. 

It’s that simple, right? 

I recently saw a movie where a character says that love is hard, and that’s why it is called love. It didn’t make sense to the person hearing this, or even to the character that spoke it.

Perhaps love doesn’t make sense, sometimes. But to love is a verb. It is something we do. And when we do love, we enter a much grander divine plan… and our contribution as divine beings becomes part of a grand loving Symphony of Life.

I had a beautiful meeting this morning with a person who is going to be on faculty at a graduate school I am also teaching at and serving as an academic Dean. Though we had just met, the love flowed, and the sacredness of our time was deeply felt.

Later, as my wife and I prepared for a monthly event we host as part of a group of galleries, she realized this was one of the two months of the year the monthly event is not held. We both laughed. But during the setup we had some very deep conversation that we knew would prove useful for other projects we are embarking upon.

So, instead of making our mistake a mistake, we took the positive road and loved the whole situation. We decided it was our opportunity to get some much-needed date time. 

We went to dinner and a movie.

So… Love.


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