Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 92

by | Mar 6, 2022 | General




God, how can I become more of what I am meant to be, today?

Recognize your genius.

Acknowledge it. Name what it is or what they are.

Say it out loud.

Voice them all, however many you

know you have… no matter the

diverse realms they may include.

Today, remember that genius is a gift 

to humanity. Your genius is meant to 

serve, even if few ever know your

name or even understand your

unique gifts and the perspectives on life

that allow them to surface.


claim your genius all over again;

or, truly for the first time.

Connect them to The Gift Giver

with a prayer of Thanks…

and consider the good your genius 


Yes, today… recognize and acknowledge

the amazing, rare and unique gifts you 

possess… your genius from the One Who Is

The Master Mind Of Genius…

and give thanks.

Evening Reflection 

It can be difficult to acknowledge what is truly genius about you, even when you know what it is. And to voice it, let alone writing it down, can be an exercise in ego vs. truth, humility vs. honesty.

I suppose I needed help, so not long after the guidance came, I received a phone call from a friend. He was embarking on a romantic relationship he felt could lead to marriage.

As the conversation went along, he offered some of the hurdles that might come up. But then, he offered that he has a gift… two gifts… that perfectly allows him to be a grand partner; and that the gifts can be used to overcome the hurdles he presented. He voiced his genius to me saying, “They are the only two true gifts I have, but I have them in abundance.” There was no ego, no arrogance, but a humble acknowledgment of what God had placed in him.

It was inspiring to hear one voice their genius and do it in a manner that spoke of their usefulness in the world – even in helping a specific person they felt God had placed in his life.

Our genius can be both for specific people and the world in general. The important thing is to be honest and to recognize that the Creator is not stingy. There is enough room in creation… on earth… for us all to have and to live into our highest gifts. And to recognize these gifts honors the One From Whom They Came. 

And to actually use our genius adds glory to the creation we all share in.

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