Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 76

by | Nov 28, 2021 | General




God, what is your guidance for me today? How might I live in wisdom?

As you live into this day looking out on life,
realize all are doing the best they can,
including yourself.

Therein lies the reason of understanding,
forgiveness, innocence, mercy, compassion
and love.

There is no room for holding on to anger
with this knowledge…

No room for holding on to resentment,
or even frustration.

Whatever you have thought about the
people of this earth;
today, practice seeing them as divine beings…
innocent, no matter their attitudes or actions.

Today, to change the world for the better
let love increase in you.

Do not judge.
See beneath and beyond to the essence in all creation
and each created being.

To live in wisdom today, treat each person as the
divine spark of life they are.

What a day you will have!

Evening Reflection 

I awakened early this morning for an 8:30am meeting. When I got there I was informed they thought the meeting was at 9:30am. After I showed the schedule I’d been given, the response was, “My God.” They had been working on an important project and simply thought the meeting was an hour later. They apologized and offered to have the meeting right then. I said, “No. Finish what you are working on. I have enough to do anyway.” An hour later, at 9:30am, the meeting went off without a hitch. We each did our best… and MY GOD did the rest.

This evening my wife and I hosted our monthly tap dance event. At the end, I said to one of the participants who had been coming a few months, “You are improving.”  Their response was, “No, I’m not.”  I acknowledged her self-assessment and said, “Well, at least you really go for it.” She smiled and nodded in agreement.

We really are doing the best we can in every moment.

I was not particularly nice today. Maybe I was tired. Maybe Mars was in retrograde. I think sometimes these things happen for no particular reason accept we are human and life’s not easy. I was aware that I wasn’t being very nice and I even watched myself not be as kind as I wanted to be. I knew I was doing the best I could. But for some reason I couldn’t muster enough energy even to be… nice. But even that realization helped me to be compassionate with myself. And that compassion helped me to let go and let God… and… somehow I became nicer! Can you say grace?

I think I won the battle of niceness, though there were casualties during the day.  Remembering that I did my best and God did the rest, I think I will sleep just fine. Tomorrow’s another day.


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