Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 54

by | Jul 19, 2021 | General


Week 54

God, how may I sere your will today? How would you have me live into this day? How might I grow in wisdom today? What would you have me say and do?

Let life come to you, today.

See what you are drawing to yourself

because of all that you are.

Do no reach today.

Allow yourself simply to 

receive and hold;

to let in that which comes.

Silently ask for wisdom

and expect divinity’s grace.

Speak and act with faith;

knowing you are not

acting alone or speaking alone.

Let your divinity sound in you,

and then through you.

Today, be a patient listener.

Hear the subtleties

underneath spoken tones.

Listen with both heart and mind.

Let your inner light shine, glow

and radiate softly from you

through your eyes, smile, soft face

and open heart.

Whatever comes today 

give it to me.

Together we will discover the blessing in it,

and give thanks.





Week 54


Evening Reflection

Oh boy! What a doozy of a day I had. The wisdom of divinity was so far ahead of me today. It knew I needed this guidance, for it surely saw what was coming, though I had no idea. Today’s guidance was a great blessing to me as this day unfolded.

This morning, I had a meeting with a company wanting to invite me to be on their board of directors. I heard beautiful statements of my strengths, affirmations of my personality, and acknowledgments of my gifts. I left that meeting floating on the positive things that were said. I then headed to another meeting with a business partner. During our meeting this man laid into me about the things that are wrong with me. He pointed out my faults, weaknesses and defects of character! Like I said, Oh boy!

Now, both of these things happened within a just few hours of each other!

Whatever else was happening, it was clear I was being tested. This guidance helped me grab on to the resources that would help me stay grounded through it all. Giving it all to God was the key, for both the glowing compliments and the scathing reviews. I netted out with the last part of the guidance; to ask to see the blessing and to give thanks. 

This guidance helped me do both. And I did feel the grace and presence of divinity. The upshot and final test of today’s experiences may be how well I sleep. But I will give that to God as well.

So… how was your day?


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