Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 11

by | Nov 9, 2020 | General


Week 11– “Persistence”


God, what would you have of me today? 


I would have your persistence. 

Keep doing what you have been 

given in your heart to do. 


Do not let circumstances deter 

you, no matter how challenging 

they may seem. 


Do not compare yourself to anyone. 

Your path is your own. 


Do today’s work with trust and faith. 

Do all you can; all you know to do… 

and leave the results to Creator. 


Work with joy…  

be diligent and 



Find out what you need 

to know…  

and with that do  

all you can – to the best of your 



and live this day in peace… 

with God, 

with yourself… 

and with each person you meet, today. 


Be well. 


Week 11: Evening Reflection 


Today was a perfect day. I am on vacation out of the country. So, what work, right? Well, it soon became clear that the guidance was referring to my work in the world, wherever I am and whatever I am doing, vacation or no vacation. My work in the world is keeping my heart open. It is being a channel of love and light. It is of expressing joy and revealing divinity as clearly as I can by my own being. That is the high calling of people of God. 

My challenging circumstances today were to communicate in another language I am not good at. Once again, I experience that language, as important as it is in helping communication, is not the only language between humans who speak different tongues. The heart communicates. The soul and spirit of a person communicates. The transcendence of the confines of spoken word can be attained when one is willing to let the eyes shine and the love radiate toward all.  

And so, today I did work with joy, and joy worked with me. I did live the day in peace; and in a piece of paradise on earth. And while with others I did not know and would most likely never see again, I was at peace with each person I met. It was a persistent peace; as persistence called for in the first sentence. But today, the persistence, the work, the being undeterred, the letting go of comparison… all of it worked to allow the time of rest, the break from work, to be of a rich quality filled with blessing moment to moment. The sand, the sea, my wife and me. Be well, the last line says. 

Thank you, God. I am indeed well. 


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