Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 7

by | Oct 12, 2020 | General



Week 7


God, what guidance do you have for me today?

I would have the light and beauty I would have the light and beauty of your soul shine through.

Let it shine through in all you say and all you do, today.

Even when you are silent… shine.

Radiate the light within even if challenged by circumstances that bring fear, doubt or worry.

Remember past victories and triumphs.

Remember to hold on, knowing the sun rises each day;knowing you are doing your best…and remembering that adversity reveals our true character.

Today, be beautiful, kind, courteous, hopeful… shining he light of your faith… radiating the love that keeps you and hold you through the ups and downs of our lives.

Today, let the light and beauty of your soul shine through.


Week 7

Evening Reflection


Most of this day I was home alone. And I will admit, It was a lazy day. At least, that was how it started. I had stayed up until 4:30am, so to sleep in was great. When I finally got up and dressed I went to my office. No sooner than I had written the guidance did I receive a long distance phone call from a lifelong friend. He wanted to thank me for a gratitude card I had sent. We launched into a long, wonderful conversation about life. It seemed we covered everything. At one point, when talking about spirituality and the cosmos, I could feel the light and beauty of my soul radiating. I told him this, and he said he could feel the same thing happening with him.

Later, as I was in the kitchen washing dishes, I remembered the guidance saying to let the light and beauty of my soul shine through, even if I was silent. As I looked out the window from the sink, I wondered what good is it to let my light shine if no one is around. It was sort of like asking the question about whether a falling tree makes a noise in the forest of there is no one there to hear it.

Anyway, I decided to see if I could radiate the beauty of my soul while all alone. I could, and what I noticed is that it changed my thinking. Thoughts came into my head that I could feel were a direct result of letting my inner light shine. I could feel it guiding me even in terms of what to do next.

Moreover, it was not hard to let my inner light shine. I realized that it was beneficial to me, all by myself, to allow this to happen. Why? Because it is a blessing to me. No one has to be around to receive the light and beauty of my soul. It is enough if I acknowledge it. Yes, it was a blessing to me, and allowed me to feel God’s abiding presence and love. I was able to use this later as a friend needed support, as they were grieving the loss of a loved one that had occurred years earlier, but because we were in that time of year, memories were flooding back. I didn’t need to do much more than receive and allow the light and beauty of just listening to do its divine work.

The beauty of the guidance was also a reminder that it is not always just about me. Today, the section about remembering the sun rises each day; even if challenged by circumstances, doubt and worry… turned out not to be about me, but were for me to extend to another as a means of hope.

And so, I am thankful for the guidance’s own light and beauty, which was a rich blessing not only for me, but for another.


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