Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 95

by | Mar 28, 2022 | General




God, what guidance do you have for me, today?

How may I become more of what I can be today?

How may I serve you well today?

How may I become a more loving soul today?

How would you have me grow today?

Imagine that you are freshly fallen snow…

beautiful and light; and that you are slowly

melting in the warmth of sun, refreshing

the earth with the living waters of your spirit.

Imagine that when you speak, you are seeping

into the soul of another, sending joy, refreshment,

and love. When you move, imagine you

are spreading the beauty of your spirit across 

the ground of their being.

Let the warmth of divinity’s love surround

you and melt any coldness that may be in the

shadows of your thinking and emotions.

Let any challenges to this watering of

love meet the light of God. Hold them up,

acknowledging their presence within you.

Allow for the fact that you are human. 

Take a deep breath and exhale.

Ask for the Divine Presence to give you grace and 

strength to let any coldness touch the warmth

present in its love, that your heart might melt 

a bit, allowing the clear waters of your own love

to flow.

Do not be surprised if this guidance brings

strong challenges today. That is the

nature of spiritual growth.

Stay in the warmth of the Creator’s love today

and keep melting.

Evening Reflection 

Envisioning myself as freshly fallen snow melting and spreading was awesome! When I was in college, training as an actor, I learned the power of imagination and that humans can imagine themselves to be anything. We can bring an image into our bodies and humanize it. And melting snow was a powerful image to humanize.

Actually, that was the easy part. The hard part was overcoming the flow of an equal and opposite energy; one that tested and intensely challenged the guidance. I awakened with a severe sore throat, which didn’t help my overall mood. I had an early meeting at a nearby coffee shop. It was crowded and space was cramped. The people at the table next to mine were also having a meeting. It was difficult to stay focused with the chaotic noise. I did not feel like being all melty and spreading my love like light snow melting in the warmth of anybody’s sun. I was annoyed. And my attitude showed it – almost without me consciously doing it.

I was aware that guidances challenge the ego. Part of spiritual growth is the lessening of ego’s hold on us. And ego fights back hard. I was not happy, not in control, and it would not have been wise to leave. The best choice was to accept the temporary setting; to go with the flow and try to let my coldness melt in the warmth of kindness. To let love flow as melting snow in my words and actions.

It was hard but doable. It proved to me that when we don’t feel like being kind and divine there is grace waiting to help us no matter how little the opening we offer.

How did you do as melting snow?

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