Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 93

by | Mar 14, 2022 | General




God, what is your guidance for me today?

Be thankful you are alive.

This may seem obvious, but today

consider that your being alive affords

you the opportunity to continue to grow,

become, learn, and give.

Whatever your perceived failures

or mistakes might be or have been,

to use the lessons to better yourself

is a gift and blessing.

Today, acknowledge that you are doing

the best you can. Even if, in hindsight,

you could have been better or done better,

trust that you did your best – at that time.

Remember that being human is not easy.

Take a deep breath… and exhaling…

let go of any stresses… at least for a while, today,

allowing them the rest in the sacred space of love.

Give them to the One who can offer you 

a divine exchange… your burdens for peace.

Who is that?

The Christ Spirit.

Today may be a good day for it.

And you are alive to do it.

Evening Reflection 

Today was one of those days that did not go as expected. I took a family member to the airport, which was about 45 minutes away. On the way they felt ill and asked me to pull over. After some time in the fresh air, we journeyed on to the airport where I dropped them off. After arriving home, I found out that they did not make it to the plane but had to be rushed by ambulance to a hospital after getting through security.

My wife and I made the hour drive to the hospital only to be told we were not allowed to see our loved one that day, due to protocols. We were halfway home when we found out they may shortly be released. We drove back and patiently waited.

After this exhausting event, everyone was tired and just ready to be home. 

We stated that we were all glad that the diagnosis was a nasty stomach flu. And we stated our thankfulness of just being alive.

And we all have a chance to keep growing.

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