Sharp Guidance

Let Life Come to You Today

by | Feb 8, 2022 | General

How often do you try really hard to make something work?  

Maybe pushing an idea at work where others disagree?  Maybe convincing your child that you have the right answer? 

Maybe not accepting an explanation or circumstance shared by a service provider? Maybe defending your viewpoint and trying to persuade your partner to accept it too? 

Take a break from exerting this energy for a day and relax. Let life come to you. 

Allow everyone to be where they are and the way they are today. It’s all right. Let it be. 

Rest from all your effort to change, control or manipulate today. It’ll be okay without your input. 

Just ride the day and relax. Look at Mother Nature as a guide. The water flows downstream with little effort, winding its way around the rocks and between the riverbanks. The branches of the tree bend in the breeze, adjusting to the wind, with little effort. 

Let your day flow, like water in a riverbed.  Let yourself float along the gentle river on a raft, with ease and little effort.  

I invite you just for one day to let go of all the energy and effort you’re exerting to control or change what’s unfolding in your day. Give it a try!

  1. Accept what arises – Accept all that comes in your path today just as it is in that moment without hoping it’d be different. Resist the urge to change, control, or manipulate. Accept all as it is.  Allow the people you encounter to be where they are and the way they are today. Allow the situations you are in and the events that unfold to just be.  Accept all that unfolds in the day as exactly how it should be today. 
  1. Be open to other viewpoints – Be open and attentive to others’ ideas and input. Resist the urge to control and convince others of your view. It’ll be okay without your input. Ride the gentle river on your raft and relax. Let things flow. You’ll know how to respond in each situation. 
  1. Reflect – At the end of the day, reflect on what you experienced. How easy was it for you to just flow and float? What did you learn that you want to carry forward into the future? What opportunities arose that you might not have had otherwise? 

And let’s keep blossoming together in the new year 2022, reaching for the light through the stormy weather and bumpy terrain that may arise. 

Then what a beautiful new year it will be! 

Take what you learned forward with you into life and enjoy more days of letting life come to you. 

You can find more inspiration in the upcoming FREE Webinar “Continuing Along Your illuminated Path” hosted by my wife Dr. Jeannine Goode-Allen and myself this weekend Feb 12 at 10AM MT, Feb 13 at 2PM MT, or Feb 15 at 5PM MT. RSVP Here.


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