Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 91

by | Feb 27, 2022 | General




God, what is your guidance for me today?

Be gentle with yourself, today.

Take things as they come…

with equanimity and lightness of heart.

Move with ease and grace…

with unhurried smoothness of manner.

Let your words be spoken with kindness;

Let your tone be soft and soothing.

Let nothing ruffle you today.

Remain centered in your spirit

and balanced in your emotions.

Breathe calmly… and look out on

the world today with patient eyes.

Stay relaxed today, no matter how hectic

the day becomes. Keep your face soft and calm

and let a gentle smile keep you company.

Let your inner light radiate with ease

and flow to all you meet today.

Enjoy being in your own body

and moving through the day

that is blessed with your presence.

Evening Reflection 

Today when I wrote this is was April fool’s day, and as I traveled by airplane from Florida back to Colorado, I got April Fool’s gags thrown my way. In the humor of the day, the guidance served me well in that I was able to remind myself to stay even-keeled no matter the pranks. However, one prank to a more serious turn. The airport security officer asked me if I knew my license was expired! I was momentarily shocked but tried to live the line, “Let nothing ruffle you today.” It wasn’t a joke and I did get through.

The whole ordeal of my travel day was challenging. Remembering the guidance to breathe calmly really helped. It is amazing how controlling the breath can affect our calmness, center our emotions and lessen stress.

To let one’s inner light radiate and flow with ease means letting go and letting God. It means seeing all people as expressions of God’s love and letting the world be; not trying to make it anything or change it in any way… just being in it… and appreciating that you are.

How did you do with the guidance today?

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