Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 81

by | Jan 2, 2022 | General




God, what is your guidance for me, today?


as you read this decide what color

you are expressing as a living soul.

Are you feeling happy and joyous? Perhaps then

yellow or orange.

Are you in a darker place in your emotions and

spirit? Perhaps then brown, gray or black.

Pick a color that seems closest to your overall

mood and sense of yourself.

Now, as the day unfolds, pay attention. See

if the color you are experiencing changes

or perhaps becomes a stronger version of 

the original hue.

Keep track of this sense of color. Honor it. 

Sense its contents. Perhaps there are some hints of 

other colors within your dominant one.

If you are experiencing an a desire  

to change your mood or demeanor, think of

a color that contains this desired energy and

bring it into yourself with your imagination.

See how it affects you and influences your

demeanor, actions and reactions.

What is your dominant soul color today? In life?

What would you like it to be for your life?

What are the qualities of this color for you?

Today, recognize your soul’s colors 

and lift them to God.


Evening Reflection 

I went to see a choir rehearsal where I am teaching a song I wrote. The director had everyone say what day of the week they each felt like. I thought this was interesting in that today I was doing the same thing but with color. You could do this with just about anything, such as what flavor of ice cream do you feel like, or what animal comes closest to your soul feeling?

Color is a wonderful method of seeing and describing the state of your soul. You could even use paper and crayon to put different colors on a page that show visually what your soul, including emotions and attitudes feels like. We are complicated beings and the colors we may feel we are expressing can vary day to day, or change moment by moment. But there is most likely a general tone to your being; a hew that captures the general demeanor of your feeling about life and expression of life.

Mine is yellow. Yellow for me is joy, and I am generally joyful, even when I have a bad day or experience loss, disappointment, setbacks, etc. I don’t long stay down in the darker hews that seem to capture the darker times of life.

Today though, my soul color was a very blah yellow; a grayish yellow. It was just one of those days. The content was pretty non-specific, and I just acknowledged it and went on with the day. It did not change much until I taught a couple of private tap dance students. Then it got very bright yellow! Tap dance has always been a way for me to change my energy to a more vibrant expression; a bright , vibrant, shimmering yellow, with gold streaks! 

What do you do to bring a brighter color to your soul?

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