Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 68

by | Oct 17, 2021 | General




God, how may I be of service to your Great Work, today? 


Be a refreshing wind today. 

Imagine a breeze that brings in a refreshing 

rush of air; one that cleans the atmosphere, brings clarity 

and perfumes the air with sweet scents. 


Clean the air with the refreshment of your words. 

Give compliments freely and affirm the 

beauty and being of those you work with, 

serve with and live with. 


As you move express the joy of being. 

Do something nice for another  

you did not have to do.  

Transform the atmosphere with your kindness. 


Let your in-breath remind you of the  

gift of being alive. 

Let your outbreath send blessing to others 

in what you say. 


As the sound of the wind is a rushing whoosh 

of divinity, be the divine sounding in your day, today. 

Be a refreshing celebration of life. 

Smile, laugh, enjoy this day made of Divinity’s love. 


And as wind carries innate power, 

be awake to the power of the Presence 

you carry. Just as the wind can effect change, 

so can you, everywhere you whoosh into. 


May the Spirit of God blow in you… 

through you… 

as you… today.  



Evening Reflection 

To be a fresh wind? What unique challenge! I cannot say I felt like that all day, but I did pick my spots. And when I did embody this divine wind it had a visible effect on the people I interacted with. It was another reminder that who we are and how we are can affect people greatly. 

One example is that I walked into drugstore and asked the cashier where I could find toothpaste. She said haltingly, “I think aisle 9… no 10… wait…11.”  After she said 10, I gave her a big smile with a raised eyebrow. I could see that that she understood this allowed her be light-hearted about it all. She could see I was not a rude, impatient, demanding, obnoxious customer. When she said 11, I was already walking away and gave her the thumbs up sign. As it turned out she was my cashier when I checked out. She apologized for her lack of sureness, and I smile and told her I had complete faith in her guidance. She just beamed. 

Our attitude influences our outlook on life and can impact others, even in the most normal and mundane of life’s activities – like picking up toothpaste. 

Teddy Pendergrass, an R&B singer, said it well as he sung, “Wake up everybody. In the song there is a line, “The world won’t get no better, if we just let it be. We gotta change it, yeah, just you and me.” Those lyrics were themselves a refreshing wind to me brought through music, and the challenge of the guidance to be refreshing was itself refreshing! 

 How’d you do with this guidance? 


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