Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 23

by | Feb 1, 2021 | General


Week 23

God, what guidance do you have for me today?

Sink into your day softly and gently,

as you would a nice warm bath.


Ease into conversations and

interactions without agenda…

allowing the pureness of your

being to shine through.


Soak in the blessings of the

day as they occur… let them

merge into your soul and dance

into your heart.


When you do not see blessing…

focus on your breathing,

remembering that each breath

you take is a blessing.


Let the warmth of the love

of the Creator impart peace and calm

to the affairs of your day…

and may you carry the embrace of

God’s grace into all your words, actions,

and manner.


Today, sink into

love, blessing, grace, peace, calm…

and let its fragrances go before you.


Are you willing?


Are you ready?


Week 23


Evening Reflection

We all enjoy a nice warm bath, don’t we? The way the water surrounds us and hugs us is akin to how I think God is with us. When we sink into the warmth of divine love, we can be soothed and bathed in this divinity as we go through our day.

Those last lines are important in terms of our mindset. To let the fragrances of blessing, grace, peace and calm go before us is to have a mindset of extending these very qualities as you journey through your day. You can fill the air, the very atmosphere around you, with these energies. And as you do… no matter who you encounter, or the circumstances you find yourself in, you can sink into them knowing you are in the fragrant waters of divine graces; knowing that blessings are already there.

You can be peaceful and calm because you are immersed in Love.


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