Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 22

by | Jan 25, 2021 | General


Week 22

God, what guidance do you have for me today?

Be a tourist in your own life, today.



As you go about your day,

let your senses become more heightened.

Listen to the sounds that are in your life as

if for the first time; including conversations

and the sounds of nature. See people and places

as if they are new experiences. Experience your life’s

culture as a curious visitor taking in sights,

sounds, cuisine, dress and music.

Marvel at the sights you come upon,

and at who comes to visit your life.

What are the landmarks that have stood

the test of time?

Let the awe and wonder of your life’s unique landscape

get to you… and touch you deeply.

What kind of museums of memory have

you created? In what areas of your life are they located?

What are its most valued pieces?

What is the most prominent emotion within

the landscape of your being?

What is your predominate attitude as you look out

upon life from where you are?

What are the one or two places within that you

love to visit as often as you can?

Are they open to visitors?

As you travel to the land of you, today…

let appreciation for who you are

grow into gratitude for the gift and grace of… your life.


Week 22


Evening Reflection

To look at oneself objectively is difficult at best. Most of us are too far in. This is why we can be more than a little surprised when we hear how other people see us. Unless you are used to hearing your own voice recorded, it can even be surprising to hear what your voice sounds like from other than inside your own body.

To make the analogy of seeing your life as a tourist is a stretch; but one that may yield valuable insight into you… as seen by YOU from a more objective, pulled back perspective. To take note of who you have attracted into your life can be telling; as well as the memories that form special places, or museums, in our own minds.

Perhaps the unasked question is… if your life were its own country, would you want to visit it? What are the landmarks? The best places to visit? The areas to stay away from? Who is in the hotel of your heart? And are there any rooms available?

What questions would you add to these? And what would be your honest answer?



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