Sharp Guidance

​Guidance & Reflection – Week 19

by | Jan 4, 2021 | General



Week 19


God, what guidance do you have for me today?

      Be beautiful…


Move in the grace of your divinity

    and stand in the light of my love.


Know you are loved unconditionally,

    and let it fill you.


        Let joy shine through your eyes…

    Let your smile be welcoming.

Let your spirit breathe with openness

    and your heart glow with warmth.


         Let gratitude and joy rule your actions.
    Let peace flow from your mouth,

and strength come from your love of all people.


Let your silence be filled with grace

    and the tones of your speaking be full of music.


See with the eyes of compassion

    and hold all in unconditional love.


      Be beautiful.





Week 19


Evening Reflection


I received a phone call at 4am from someone who wanted my counsel. This was before the guidance was even written for the day. However, the call was an opportunity to do what the guidance called for anyway. The phone call was an hour and a half long, and the person needed warmth, grace, compassion, unconditional love, joy and strength. And the need to heard was paramount, so I needed to be gracefully silent and to speak in soothing tones that did incorporate a musical quality of soothing sounds. I did need to be beautiful for the hurting soul that called.

I spent most of this day with my ageing mother. As the only son, it is incumbent upon me to see about her since dad passed years ago. Traveling every few months to stay for a week or more allows me the opportunity to be in close proximity. It also allows an opportunity to be beautiful to one who raised me beautifully and has loved me unconditionally. As her body challenges her, today’s guidance became inspiration for the journey of the day, which entailed cleaning, and shopping and just sitting and talking. We reviewed life in a way that acknowledged end of life matters. It was beautiful and the guidance helped me to stay conscious of the reality that beauty can be another word for God. God was present in the beauty of our interactions, smiles, joy, openness and warmth. Gratitude and peace did flow and mom and I seemed to sing as we spoke, because the joy was so present between us.

Even our silences were grace filled, as our eyes shone with the unconditional love we shared.

Perhaps it all would have happened anyway, without the guidance. But the guidance helped me stay conscious of the qualities that would help to make today so special… and beautiful.



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