Sharp Guidance

​Guidance & Reflection – Week 16

by | Dec 14, 2020 | General



Week 16


God, what guidance do you have for me today?

I would have your trust

that I can carry you

through this day,

no matter what happens.


Place your soul in my care, today.

Do this willingly…

and with faith.


Let go and flow with the graces of my love for you.


Whatever the day holds for you,

be it joys or hard challenges,

burden or blessing…


Remember that I hold you, and am in you and with you.


With this remembrance,

be confident in the world,

and allow a joy to

exude that comes from

knowing of our



Together, we can do anything.





Week 16


Evening Reflection

Today was packed. And this guidance was of great help throughout to help me stay relaxed even in the unplanned events that came up. There was a morning rehearsal I conducted that went longer than planned. I allowed the extra length to finish part of a performance piece my wife and I were working on. I had just enough time to get to my board meeting. As a chairperson, I didn’t want this to be my first time being late. Some important items came up that took us over our planned time. I was really hungry and wanted to get home to get some lunch. Just as we adjourned in walks a gentleman who was being considered to cater an upcoming event. He brought items to sample! I decided to stay. It was delicious Jamaican food. In staying, I got to know our newest board member, who also stayed to enjoy the samples.  As I got to my car I got a phone call that took over an hour. I sat right in the car. It was perfect timing, and I had the space. Then, as I was headed home, I decided to go to my daughter’s and just give her a hug after she’d had a rough night at work. She was about to head back to work and the timing was perfect.

I am writing all of these things to say that I did place my soul in God’s care. I did trust and was very aware of the unplanned events that showed up, and how I felt as they did. I was able to give over carrying myself through the day, and expand my sensitivity to pick up on others’ feelings and possible needs as well. It is why I talked on the phone to a longtime friend instead of saying let me call you later. It is why I was able to just drive to my daughter’s house on the spur of the moment, just to give a hug and a word of support, and then leave so she could get to work on time. This was in fact me flowing with the grace of God’s love, not only for me but for others.

I did deliver to my daughter some news that wasn’t so excitedly received. I informed her I was getting a new car and would donate our aged very loved old car. As sadness was expressed, I was able to remember that God was holding this moment. And not only that, but God had held us in all the moments we were in the car which also held us, and carried us. God was even now carrying me through this part of the day.

I was able to communicate all that the car had done with us and for us. And even though all the kids are grown, we could thank the car for all the family trips. That brought on some joy – joy of remembering our togetherness. I think I was able to communicate this because of my remembrance of my togetherness with God. And today, we sort of did almost anything.



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