Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 180

by | Jul 9, 2023 | General

WEEK 180

God, what is your guidance for me today?


just relax and be who you are.

Do not strive for any particular thing.

Today, see how you are… with everyone

and everything.

Just live… and observe yourself.

How are you treating people?

How are you responding? What attitudes

are you noticing?

What is your thinking like? Are they kind thoughts?

Benign, perhaps? Is there judgementalism in them?

Do not judge yourself for the way you are.

Just observe you today.

Do you notice any spiritual growth?

Can you describe it to yourself?

Where do you sense you need more improvement?

Do you want to do the work to grow more?


just live with yourself and these questions.

Be grateful for the opportunity to live, to 

be… and to be who you are in each moment of 

this day.


Evening Reflection 

One test of how a person really is can be seen in what they do when no one is watching. Another test is what they do when they are engaged with someone they don’t particularly get along with. A third test is how one treats a stranger. 

I know all these depend on several things, like situation, timing, mood of the other person, et cetera. BUT NOT REALLY. 

How you are is how you are. We can only live in the present now, and each present NOW is how you are. Of course, all humans have their moods and personalities. We can move from angel to devil in a moment. BUT NOT REALLY. 

For the most part, each of us lives at a certain level and consciousness. Some live in Joy, others in Anger, and others in constant Shame. Still others reside in their Pride. There are those who spend most of their living at the level of Willingness, or in Fear, Apathy, or Guilt. Still others live in the world of Reason. Few live in a state of Peace. 

Love, joy, and peace are highly evolved places to be. And people living these qualities think very differently and treat others differently than someone who is living in fear, anger, or pride. Anyone can put on a personality mask and fake niceness. But how you treat someone when you don’t have to be a certain way is telling.

To watch yourself may seem like a strange thing to do, but we do have that saying in our culture as a warning… “Watch yourself”. To observe oneself is to acknowledge we are spirit living in a flesh and blood home. 

And how we live matters. 

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