Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 164

by | Mar 26, 2023 | General

WEEK 164

God, what is your guidance for me today? How may I live into the beauty of my spirit?

Be warm, willing, and hospitable in your 

spirit today.

Let a gentle love exude from you.

Be gentle in your manner and kind in

the way you speak.

Listen well… take in the spirits of those

you meet today with an open heart.

Listen to Holy Spirit within you for 

any wisdom an encouragement you may

be guided to give.

Move through the day with a trust

all is unfolding as it should.

Do not force anything but instead allow

the natural flow of events.

Meet all circumstances with a calmness

of your spirit and faith in God’s abiding

presence and agency.

Today, surrender all you are to

the service of Divine Will.

In so doing, the beauty of your spirit

will shine brightly in the world,

as Divinity shines on you, 

in you… and through you.


Evening Reflection 

This is a new question. 

How to live into the beauty of one’s spirit presupposes one has a beautiful spirit. When this question came through, there was an energetic tingling running through me. It came as I thought, then wrote, and then read that sentiment, How may I live into the beauty of my spirit… which is an admission of the belief that my spirit is actually beautiful.

Spirit is the life force of us. It is the same in each of us. It is given by divine ordinance to each human and all living creatures. Our consciousness may separate us from other kinds of creatures in terms of intelligence, awareness, and abilities… but the life force is the same in all things. It is God. God in all things. And it is beautiful.

Today’s guidance was lived out today in a most humbling way. I kept it in my pocket but whenever I thought of reading it, I was not in a situation where it would have been appropriate. I was either talking face to face with someone, or in a group meeting where my attention needed to remain focused. But remembering the gist of the guidance helped me stay connected to its message.

I ran into a colleague I hadn’t seen in a while. It was a little awkward in that the person is a minister who had invited me to several things he was doing that I did not attend due to my schedule. It turns out, a new venture I am a part of is bringing us into the same sphere of community. Hence, that line about trusting that all is unfolding as it should.

Also, I met people today for the first time, that I will be working with in a new position I am taking. I toured the new facilities and listened in on conversations with architects and interior designers that were speaking about things in a trade language I couldn’t follow. But I listened, learned and was able to give encouragement, if not wisdom.

In any case, I did surrender today, and Divinity did its thing on me, in me, and through me.

It really does work that way. Surrender to God and you do become a more powerful being.  Not because of you, but because of God in you, as you serve divine will.

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