WEEK 144
God, what is your guidance for me, today?
Today, keep your attention on the
context of your life instead of the content.
Pull back and take the more expansive view.
When encountering others, pay little attention
to their clothing, style, and jewelry.
Look deeper to take in what they are…
remembering that it is a divine being you are looking at.
Today, pay no mind to the kind of car
anyone drives. Take no account of the size of
someone’s home, or the money they may have.
Go to the grander view where life
is a miracle, each person is a gift and
love is all there is… the only real thing.
Hold on to the beauty within each created thing
and every being, whether human, animal, or plant.
Place all that happens in the larger context
of the ongoing unfolding of creation;
within the ever-present love that enfolds us
and all there is.
Today, see the wonder of being alive.
Sense the awe of existence itself
and the profound love that sustains it.
Let as much love as you can flow from you
in thought, word, and deed as you live this day
in an expanded consciousness…
in the divine and holy context of all creation…
Evening Reflection
It is easy to get hooked and drawn into the human dramas of life.
But you don’t have to.
As you grow spiritually, you begin to see the ruse. We have duped ourselves into thinking our clothes, jewelry, cars, homes, jobs, and money are what is real and what life is about.
It isn’t.
It may be what some people make it about. But life is about divinity. It is about the reality of isness and connecting to the creator of that isness. Today was a reminder that the content of life is temporary, but the context is the true reality. We live in the soul of God. We swim in the ocean of divinity that is God. And if you don’t like the name God, use whatever name fits your understanding.
Today, I was able to embody this guidance. For instance, my gym has been taken over by a big company. It is now very corporate instead of mom-and-pop. I miss the mom and pop. But I love my gym, and today I used the guidance; I read this guidance before I walked into the gym for a workout. Because of its wisdom, I adjusted my attitude to already know I was going to deal with a divine being.
I had a wonderful interaction with the corporate staff and could tell they responded to me with a lift in their spirits. They had no idea I was seeing them as divine beings, shining and holy.
I am sure it would have tripped them out if they knew how they were being seen!