Sharp Guidance

Seeing the Divine All Around You

by | Jul 7, 2022 | General

As your eyes turn their gaze upon the world today, I invite you to see all things as manifestations of divinity. 

Remember the Divine is in each and every living being. The trees, the mountains, the flowers, and the animals in the wild. Your loved ones, your neighbors and yourself. 

Look deeper and see that in the smallest of things, you can find divinity – a crack in the sidewalk, a seed planted in your garden, a smile on your neighbor’s face. 

As you gaze upon the world today, enter into a flow with the Divine and together you’ll manifest beauty in the world. 

As I consider this today for myself, I am reminded of a wise story I once heard that I’d like to share with you. 

There once was a master sculptor who was surveying different blocks of marble in a quarry. During his life, he had learned that every piece of stone had something inside of it waiting to be created, waiting to be born into the world, very much like Michelangelo’s experience in sculpting David. 

Discovering what lived in each stone and releasing it to its true life through the sculpting of his hands had been the secret to his talent and success. 

He could look at a stone and say, “There’s a heroic figure locked in that piece and a saint trapped inside that other one.” 

But the sculptor longed to find the stone for his greatest of all pieces, a glorious statue of the Buddha. He’d been searching for this special stone for over forty years and now as he aged, he felt his energy waning. 

He’d traveled to great quarries including Italy where Michelangelo had mined his stone and to Vermont where the stone glowed with light. Nowhere could he find the perfect stone for his masterpiece of the most perfect Buddha. 

Finally, he asked a local Zen priest for help. Once he explained his struggle, the priest smiled and said he could help. 

“Do you mean you can tell me where I might find the perfect material for sculpting the most perfect Buddha of my dreams??” asked the sculptor excitedly.

“Of course.”


“Over there,” replied the priest, pointing to a stone well in the courtyard.

The excited sculptor ran to the well and looked down. There he saw his own image looking back at him. 

Yes, each and every one of us has the Divine within us, just waiting and longing to bring beauty and goodness into the world. Even you! 

Find more inspiration for daily living in my book, Power for Life, and connect with me here.



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