Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 88

by | Feb 5, 2022 | General




God, what is your guidance for me today? How may I be a more loving person?


Be soft and gentle,

like sand on a beautiful beach

warmed by the heat of the sun and

holding with tenderness all who

pass your way. 

Welcome them with an openness born of compassion.

Be willing to be a gentle place to land

for those who need a soft soul to

receive them.

Let the warmth of your words and

the comfort of your understanding be a balm

to all who may need a healing touch today.

Be a place of respite where a soul may relax,

find rest and feel cared for;

where one may sink into the

love offered abundantly.

Let your own soul receive the ever present

warmth of divinity’s graces today, 

that you would have resources to share.

Take deep breaths and remember your own

times of need…

and those who blessed you 

with their presence and affirmation.

Yes, today,

be like warm, soft sand on a 

beautiful sunlit beach…

and let souls sink into your spirit

as you heal with the tenderness and love

of your own soul.

Evening Reflection 

This week’s guidance was inspired while sitting on a balcony looking out over beach and ocean. It is amazing how the Creator can guide one’s spirit to use the natural beauty one is in the midst of to inspire and guide.

Sand is a beautiful metaphor for being soft and supportive. The image in today’s guidance proved incredibly helpful today, also. 

I was contacted by someone who needed a listening ear. They had many concerns and worries and wanted to wade through them and make sense of them. The images in today’s guidance were useful in that they allowed me to almost feel like sand, which in turn allowed the person to rest the weight of their burden in my love.

Later in the afternoon, while lounging with my wife on the beach, a salesman came by urging us to consider buying a return trip to this vacation spot for a reduced rate. I thought it to be a tough sell – and not an easy job to go around interrupting people relaxing to give them a sales pitch. I used the guidance to help me remember to let my words be as warm as the relaxing sun. I engaged him jovially even as I declined the offer. In the early evening, I received some sad news of the death of a young and beloved relative. As I spoke to family members, the guidance added a powerful image as I received the tender emotions pouring forth… and it contributed to a heightened awareness of how to be soft, supportive, warm, loving, tender, and affirming.

Nature contains many qualities which can help to remind us of what we ourselves can be and should be at specific times. I am grateful for today’s contemplative insight on one of the most loving places humanity seeks out.

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