Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 21

by | Jan 18, 2021 | General


Week 21

God, what guidance do you have for me today?



        be warm and easygoing.


               Let nothing ruffle your feathers

        or get you riled up.


Take things easy.

        Be a gentle soul with a soft manner.


               Take things as they come.

        Don’t force or react too quickly.


Take every opportunity to stay quiet today.


        Hear louder.


               And at day’s end take time to appreciate

        how you have journeyed through the hours.


Relax into the night knowing you have given

        your best – to the day and to the Creator.


                                                                           Rest gently.


Week 21


Evening Reflection


There is something about being reminded to be easygoing that excites me when it comes through. I am not generally manipulative or controlling. Still, to be warm and easygoing ushers me into a way of being that allows me to see the world differently, and be in the world more peacefully.

The call to be a gentle soul goes against most of the worldly energy of getting and obtaining; grabbing at the brass ring, trying to be number one, win at all costs, and no pain no gain. Some might see having a soft manner as weakness. I experience it as an inner strength with infinitely more power than the physical muscles can match. I find that I literally breathe easier and watch the world with more love and compassion.

Today was a great example of living this out. I had an agenda I planned for the day. But as I was asked by my mother, whom I was visiting, to wash clothes, then go shopping and to help clean. In between these activities I thought I would get back to some work I wanted to do. But then another request would come. With the guidance in mind, I let go of my agenda each time, knowing if I was to get back to it, I would. I was even able to laugh as the tests kept coming; as I recognized the guidance testing my willingness to do what it encouraged.

At one point, as I listened louder, just sitting and conversing, my mother said to me that she appreciated that I listened to what she was saying. She knew that was listening because I would repeat something she had said a few minutes later, incorporating her wisdom in the unfolding of our activities together.

I have learned that there is great power in letting things be what they are, without having to change them, control or manipulate them. What power? It is the power to love something just as it is. It is unconditional love. And when allowed it is a beautiful feeling to have. Spiritual growth is not easy. It is willingness and work; it is diligence and divine grace.

Later, I picked up my daughter from the airport. She flew in to visit my mother, her grandmother. She had barely made the flight due to traffic and was a bit frazzled. I just let it all be, listened loudly… and loved in a gentle warm and easygoing way that seemed to help calm her spirits. It was actually fun to be this way.

And as I relax into the night, I am appreciating the journey of the day. I feel I may have moved a little more in my spiritual growth. And that is a wonderful thing to feel. I think I will rest gently tonight.



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