Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 10

by | Nov 3, 2020 | General


Week 10


God, what guidance do you have for me today?

Find strength in my Presence.

I am always with you,

in you, beside you,

above and below you.


There is nothing and no one

I love more than you.


My love is timeless. I loved you

before you were born.

I love you through all your questions

about me; through your doubts and fears.


Today, take heart!

Look where I have brought you. To me!

Give me your fears, and keep giving them to me.

Let us pray together.



no darkness can withstand my light,

and you are in my light always, day or night.




Daytime… or in the night.

Week 10

Evening Reflection


I needed this guidance today. Why? Because today I ventured where I had not gone before. I traveled out of the country to an island off the coast of Mexico, Isla Mujeres.  I am writing this from the island just before midnight. I am taking the first stanza and am contemplating it. Why? Because some horrendous tragedies have occurred in the last few days that open the question of God’s agency and power.

 What happened?

 Several people were killed in an auto accident as they were going to a party to celebrate a marriage. I thought of those people and wondered, if God was with them as God says, in the guidance that “I am always with you.”

 I am not afraid to question God. I asked questions about how, why, and who are you, really? I was directed back to the part of the guidance that says, “I love you through all your questions about Me.

 I realize that the Presence we label as God is beyond label, no matter how we mold God to our own proclivities.

 I loved the guidance sentence that no darkness can stand my light.

 I am in Cancun right now… well, in Isla Mujeres, 8 miles off the coast of Cancun. I am re-reading the lines… “Look where I have brought you.”

And then, while I was talking to my wife about a friend… that friend telephoned me! He didn’t know where we were, and texted me as we were talking about him! Although these things happen more than I can keep track of… they happen more often than not.

I know that the love talked about in the second stanza is true… but I can’t prove it. But I can live it.

And I choose to.

And you?



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