Sharp Guidance

​Guidance & Reflection – Week 14

by | Nov 30, 2020 | General



Week 14


God, what guidance do you have for me today?

Be calm…

and carry my power into your day.


My power is love…


Let it guide your mind.

Let it speak in you

and through you.

Let it inform your thoughts

and actions.


Do nothing from selfishness

or ego.


Make decisions based on

the greater good;

on what would be the most

loving thing to do.


Allow my loving power to

breathe through you;

through your every in-breath

and out-breath.


Carry it in your walking

and mannerisms.


Be love today;

my love, as you.





Week 14


Evening Reflection

Today was the last day of a beautiful vacation in the Caribbean. This morning my wife and I took a walk along a coastal cliff. The power of the ocean was evident, as the deep water rose to crash on rocks. Was this an example of an unstoppable force vs. an immovable object, I wondered? It was difficult for me to remain calm. The power was so palpable that I waves of fear, appreciation, caution, wonderment, awe, joy, and humility in the face of nature’s demonstration of power. Not to mention the breathtaking color of the water, sky and flora. Not to mention the diversity of fish we were able to see. Calmness came after the rush of the powerful emotions that came first.

The same powers that cause the sea to roar is the same power that allows it not to swallow up the island. There are forces and energies better described by science than I can explain in this reflection. But they can be experienced and honored. And that is what I did today. Honor the power of creation itself and its ability to humble a soul.

As great and noble as human beings can be, I think our greatest power is love. We know that there is great destructive power we have created and wielded for better and for worse. And perhaps love’s power is still to be experienced by humanity in a way it has not yet been seen.

But today, I can be conscious of it in me and allow it to inform what I say and do. I can allow it to breathe in me even as I breathe. I can let it move me even as it does move me. I can let it guide even what I think about and how I react to and treat others. That is what I have tried to do today. Perhaps that is enough. I hope so.

Perhaps I can even carry this experience back to my normal routine, and be love’s power in the world with a refreshed understanding of what that means.



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