Sharp Guidance

Finding Silence in the Midst of a Busy, Noisy Day

by | Dec 27, 2021 | General


Let today be a day to find quiet, to find silence. Settle into the day and let calm permeate all that you do today. Discover where you can find silence. 

Silence is always there, waiting and ready for us to access. Even in the midst of the noise and chaos all around us. 

Sometimes, it’s a little hard to find though, as it means slowing down and paying attention to the stillness and quiet. 

When you do that, you can become aware of what lives within, the inner stillness and silence within you. You become conscious that it’s always present, always there to be accessed. 

And it’s there, in silence, that you connect with your pure essence, your higher self, your eternal being. 

Do you have trouble finding ways to connect with silence? 

If so, then make a plan or schedule some time to practice silence. Turn off any devices nearby and try these. 

  1. When you first awaken, lie in bed with your eyes closed and become aware of the quiet of the early morning. Breathe in and out slowly, drinking in the stillness that lives before the day moves into activity. 
  1. Go into nature and venture away from the beaten path. Stand or sit near a tree. Do you feel the silence embrace you, almost as if the branches of the tree are hugging you? Do you feel the eternal connection to all that is in the universe through nature?
  1. In the early darkness of the winter evenings, go outside and move away from the lights of homes and streets. Look up at the brilliant moon and the radiant stars shining quietly down upon you and the earth. If you have the opportunity, watch snowflakes fall softly to the frozen ground. Breathe in the refreshing and invigorating cool air in the silence of the night. 

As you begin to connect with silence, listen. Listen into the depths of your soul. Feel the connection to what exists in the silence. 

In the silence, you may hear your inner voice that speaks to you out of the wisdom of your eternal spirit, your essence.  As you listen, you experience your interconnectedness to the universe, bringing a deep sense of peace and harmony. 

“Inner silence promotes clarity of mind; it makes us value the inner world; it trains us to go inside to the source of peace and inspiration when we are faced with problems and challenges.” Deepak Chopra 

Check out my book, Power for Life, for more inspiration in your life and discover more upcoming events to connect with me here.  


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