Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 45

by | May 24, 2021 | General



Week 45

God, how might I be a more loving person today?


What you intend sets the compass

and direction of your whole being.

Set your intention to love and

you will move in that direction.

For today (and everyday)

ask what the loving 

thing to do or say is in all

situations and in every response. 

Set your intention and do not forget it.

As you make it an overall behavior

and attitude, also

make it specific in each encounter,

moment by moment.

Do not think what to do or say so much, but

feel it in the depths of your being.

Allow Spirit to whisper guidance 

into your soul.

Be sensitive to its subtle winds

singing divine wisdom into your soul.

Let it fill you and become you.

Then, let them through to be light and grace

and love in the world.

Intention to love will bring love to you 

and you to love.

You will attract it and it will be

attracted to you.

Today, intend to be a more loving person.

Eventually, perhaps even today,

you will be able to transcend the world more

and simply be a loving person on the earth.






Week 45


Evening Reflection

Valentine’s Day. The day of love. Right?

I have lived enough years that this day can truly be taken for granted. After all, it is just another day. I could have awakened grumpy, tired, stressed, not at all feeling any Valentine spirit. And I didn’t.

So, when this guidance came, I looked at that word… intention. “Hmph!” I thought. I had actually forgotten it was going to be Valentine’s Day today. The day before, I was so focused on work that this yearly celebration slipped my mind. Now that the day is here, and with no small amount of commercialized pressure on television and radio, what would I do?

I decided that my intent today was to show my wife symbolically my deep appreciation for her love and support and partnership. I ventured out amongst the last minute shoppers and found many men and women staring at Valentine’s cards in the store I went to. It was humorous. The commercial Valentine’s industry has produced a myriad of items, but it was difficult to find product with the kind of heart I was looking for. I finally did find a card that I might have written myself. It was the only one and I grabbed it quickly. Continuing my shopping, I focused on my intention of appreciation, and it led me to a beautiful candle in my wife’s favorite color. I thought it would a good symbol of the light of our love. Then, I saw roses, and bought a dozen red ones for the sweetness and beauty of our marriage. But I wasn’t done yet. I bought a bottle of sparkling apple juice instead champagne because we were on a diet.

I went home and set up a nice display of all the items before she came home from her busy day. The appreciation I received made the effort all the more sweet. 

But did any of this elevate me into being a more loving person? I don’t know. Perhaps. What I do know is that intention created the opening, will power made me move, and love guided my choices.

Valentine’s Day or not, I hope this act, last minute though it was, is but a sign of what I strive to be daily. Loving. 

How did this guidance serve you today?


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