Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 12

by | Nov 16, 2020 | General





Week 12


God, how would you have me live into the day today?


Today, I would have your humility.


Live this day without ego…


without the need to be right;

without the need to seek control

or manipulate anything.


Let opinions be received with no

defense or positionality.



watch life unfold moment

by moment…

and remain present;


remain alert to the beauty and grace of

life itself.


Let the world be what it is

without any desire to make it different.


Be modest in your view of your own



Be down-to-earth even as

you make others feel special.


Be grateful and gracious –


as humility guides you in

all things…








Week 12

Evening Reflection


Being in nature is conducive to humility. While on vacation on an island I am noticing the awesome power of the ocean, its endless breadth and expanse. It is humbling for sure. So are the sheer numbers of ants I see everywhere. Drop a morsel of food and they appear from nowhere, their line no doubt numbering in the thousands (that I can see) with more everywhere else numbering in the many millions. They don’t even glance to look at me! Everything is clearly living its life. From the local birds and lizards to the fauna that decorate. And then there are the humans. One part of the island is a hustle and bustle of tourists; and the other is very tranquil. That is where I am with my wife.

Humility opens the door to see divinity everywhere and in all things. It is a gateway to maturity and a life full of deep meaning. It is a gateway to growing in knowledge and it is the path that leads to appreciation of life itself. Even when you meet people who are not humble, you can let them be who they are without feeling the need to react.

And so today, I did let the world be what it is while I just watched. If I did anything it was to give out many compliments to those whose job it was to help make our vacation a special and joyful one.

One of the things I have learned about myself is that I truly enjoy being graceful and gracious. You can do this out of a sense of self-importance or arrogance, as I have seen many times (and done on occasion in life). But I find it much more rewarding to do so with true humility. The inner reward for me is far more satisfying when it is genuine and comes from the heart and not the needy or self-important part of the ego.

As I snorkeled today, I saw the many various kinds of fish in their own habitat, with the underwater floral that provide habitat; all in a whole eco-system that is a world I do not live in, but on top of, or at least next to. But it is all planet earth. And I am grateful for the guidance today, and its reminder that for all the individuals that exist, be it human, fish, insects, plants, reptiles, animals, etc…. we all live in the same place, even if not always the same space or vice-versa.

Not that I could manipulate or control anything today. But I didn’t want to even less than I usually don’t want to. And being right? Well, with all that is wrong in the world, taking time off from even thinking about being right is strengthening, relaxing and ultimately healing for me.

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