Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 201

by | Dec 5, 2023 | General

WEEK 201

God, what is your guidance for me today? How may I deepen my connection to Spirit today?


pay more attention than usual

to the mundane events of your day.

I am there.

Not intruding but very Present.

Notice my Presence in the silence;

in the spaces between action and


and in the action… and the pausing.

Notice my presence in your breathing

and speaking,

and even in your thoughts.

I am there.

I am in all, through all,

filling all 

with the Allness of Presence.

Today, in this Presence that is always there

in all you do; even in the mundane things…

I will be there.

I already am.


Evening Reflection 

Today’s guidance was a beautiful experience. To notice Presence calls for a change of focus, an expansion of attention. While brushing my teeth, putting on socks, putting away dishes, you name it; I would catch myself focusing on the mundane activity. Then, I would change my focus and make it more diffuse, sort of like using one’s peripheral vision. I would pay attention to the pause, and the silence in the pause… and the minutiae of everything.

When you do that, you go deeper into the crevices of life. And I could sense Presence. 

I sense it now. 

Right now. 

It is always present. It is we who must change our focus from the outer world to the inner spiritual realms. Presence is silent, aware… and aware when you are aware of this living life force. 

As you keep your focus on this exquisite presence… Divine Presence… you may begin to sense a deep connection, even communication. I was plainly aware of the miracle of God knowing me. And as I did the most ordinary of things including walking, talking, moving a bed frame, washing my hands, looking for the towel to dry them… I was aware of being immersed in divinity. It is embedded in every atom, quark, and molecule. It is in galaxies and solar systems, in laughter and pain, in darkness and light… even waiting to be discovered in the depths of despair, even where there is no hope. Even there, Presence is. 

David said it best in one of the bible’s psalms, when he spoke of God being there, even if he made his bed in hell.

The mundane things are not so mundane when you pay attention to the presence of Spirit. Creation itself is proof of the presence of a divine creator. The fingerprints, if you will, are on everything, if you have the eyes to see. 

And even more amazing… Divine Presence… The Living Power Of Life… is in life, giving us the life force to live… and living in it with us.

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