WEEK 179
God, what is your guidance for me today?
What would you have me say, do, or be like today?
Be like a warm, summer day
where the breeze is blowing slightly;
just enough to refresh.
Let your words be such that they
warm and refresh those you speak with
Like birds singing in the trees, let
a song be in your heart; one that is joyful
and bright. Let it be heard in the
cadence and melody of your speech.
Be open and welcoming in your spirit,
that you might receive whomever
Presence brings your way.
Be generous of heart that you
may provide what some may need;
whether it be a place to land and rest, or
a listening ear, or a helping hand.
Go slow, like the sun crossing the sky.
Take your time today,
and make time for those who
need your time.
Be like a warm summer day, today.
Evening Reflection
I received a phone call this morning from a longtime friend who needed to vent about decades of mistreatment from his in-laws. He had more than enough and fought back… literally. Now he is going to court. He also finally told fraud authorities what these people had been doing for decades. He called to vent and to confess. He felt bad blowing the whistle, because he felt it akin to being a snitch, which is not a code he grew up with. He definitely needed warmth with a slight refreshing breeze. I hope I provided that. Later, he thanked me for letting him vent and for my patience, and for being willing and open to listen without judging.
Later, a family member contacted me letting me know they may need financial help putting new tires on their car. It was lend a helping hand time, and the song in my heart was, “Ah… cars, they do need us to watch over them.” I said yes to being the helping hand, if needed.
Later, a young male deer showed up in our yard. It was lying near my car. I needed to leave but didn’t want to startle it. So, I started humming a bright tune at low volume. We looked at each other. I smiled, and while trying to keep my steps slow and smooth, it stood – not yet sure what to do. I said joyfully, “Oh you can stay.” I got in my car slowly and closed the door without slamming it. It watched as I slowly backed away. When I returned an hour later, it was still in the yard, but had found a less trafficked spot. I walked slowly to the door as it looked at me while it munched on flowers and leaves. I guess I had given it the time it needed to know it was welcome and I was a friend.
I do think Presence brought this beautiful animal into our yard to refresh our family, as last year, we had to call Park Rangers for a buck that was dying and had to be put down in our yard. This new buck needed a place to land and rest. I’m glad it sensed our welcoming hearts.
You never know what a warm summer day will yield. But being like one today was a beautiful experience.
How did you do as a warm summer day today?