Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 186

by | Aug 16, 2023 | General

WEEK 186

God, what is your guidance for me today?


take a good survey of your body.

Remember that it is a temple. It does

not belong to you… and you will have

to give it up.

You are the caretaker of this precious

home for your life on earth.

See what needs to be done.

Look at how you are caring for skin,

teeth and hair. Where and how could you 

improve your caretaking?

Look at your weight and eating habits.

Are you up to temple standards?

What about your hygiene and cleanliness?

What aspect could use more attention or a

change in how you are managing this

sacred space called your body?

Upon identifying anything that could be

attended to with more focus, or

improved upon with more attention,

make a commitment to do just that.

What is it? 

What will you do?

When will it begin?

Let the temple improvement program commence!


Evening Reflection 

Human beings, being what we are, there are usually many things we could improve upon at any given time. we are not automatons, and even if we are consistent about some things, we may not in other areas.

I live in a dry climate. I should use moisturizer daily, but I don’t. I should change my toothbrush with regularity, but I don’t. My hair is easy; I just cut it as short as I can and call it a day.

My weight? It is fine. It can go up and down within a 10–15-pound range. right now, it is down and I work out consistently. The right music helps tremendously. I have a playlist for  that stationary bike, one for the Nordic track, and another for the treadmill. I am eating began right now. I just started a few days ago for 21 days. We’ll see if I make it.

My hygiene and cleanliness are holding up well. I still even use mouthwash. I should floss more. Well, I should floss.

Okay, so I am going to buy a new toothbrush asap. I am going to commit to finishing the vegan diet experiment. And I will watch my weight more. Flossing would be the biggest challenge. I won’t make any promises, but it is on my radar again. And as for moisturizing my skin, I will intend to do that. The lotion is just sitting there.

How did your survey go?

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