Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 141

by | Oct 20, 2022 | General



WEEK 141

God, what is your guidance for me today? How may I be more sensitive to your divine will?

Practice staying aware of our connection

to each other.

I do not get in the way… I am the Way,

The Truth, the Light.

I am already there in you and with you.

As you are willing, I am revealed to you

in your own being even as the sun

rises that you might see it, though it has

always been shining.

Be aware of and listen to your inner being,

your soul, as the day unfolds.

I am there… The still, small voice.

As I told you; I don’t get in the way.

How to know for certain my messages to you?

I am love. Always love.

All flows from this one truth.

Today, walk in love.

Speak in love.

Act in love…

And you will feel My presence

in you, guiding you… moment by moment.

Evening Reflection 

I was home most of the day. I was developing a new course to teach at a seminary. It was a peaceful, solitary day… until.

Until my daughter awakened, came to my office, and began unloading questions. Questions about love, relationships, decisions, doubts, etc. I was not asked if this was a good time. My 25-year-old needed to engage her own journey and I was chosen.

As my flow was interrupted, I heard loudly in my inner being… “I am love. Speak in love. Act in love.”

Later, my wife asked if I could run a grocery store errand. 

Now?! I thought. I was nearing the end of a long day of creating curriculum and wanted to finish. My wife sensed my spirit and said she would go instead. I said, “No. You asked, and I will go now. The work can wait.”

I went. And… I did feel the Presence guiding me, even smiling in me. It turned out to be a blessing to have that break! I came back to a wonderful dinner in conversation with my family. I was reminded that unseen blessings come in obedience to Spirit’s guidance.

I came back to my work with fresh eyes, an enlivened spirit, and thankfulness for a wife and family I deeply love, cherish, and am grateful to be a part of.

And I completed my work. I even found typos I would not have caught if I had gone through with my plan to hurry and send off a document before doing said errand. 




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