Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 140

by | Oct 13, 2022 | General



WEEK 140

God, what is your guidance for me today? How may I become a more loving person?

Today, let go of judgements.

You do not and cannot see all things

from all sides and perspectives.

Just love.

And when you are judged, make no defense. 

Strive to keep shining the light of love

in the direction of those judging.

Today, just love.

How to do that?

Remember that you are created in love,

by Love, and for love. 

Share it in all you say and do… to all.

Breathe in peace…

Breathe out love.

Breathe in love…

Breathe out peace.

Let peace extend from your heart and mind in

all your endeavors today,

and let all potential judgements be transformed

by love into sentiments of care, compassion 

and understanding.

Evening Reflection 

Spiritual advancement entails lessening the ego’s hold on us. The ego hooks us into the illusion of our own self-importance. It is manifested in our need to be right, or being controlling, or thinking others need to hear our opinions even when they are not asked for or needed. It manifests through self-righteous indignation when we feel slighted, or through our need for payback when we feel we’ve been wronged.

There is a saying which communicates God will fight our battles if we just keep still. Stillness is a hallmark of spiritual progress. When Jesus stilled the waters, it was a profound demonstration of the power to overcome chaos with one’s own peace. To not judge is to remain at peace with oneself… letting all things be what they are.

Not agreeing with someone’s decision or lifestyle is only our own opinion. It is not a statement of rightness. Judgment is God’s purview. It is divine territory.

I experienced going through a day like today and not judging as… observing, listening, and letting be. It is hard on the ego because it lets us know the world goes on without us even as it has functioned long before we arrived.

Freewill is a gift part and parcel to human is-ness. Judgment is the ego’s attempt at playing God. Today was a good day of letting God be God all by God’s self!

How did you do?


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