Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 121

by | Jul 25, 2022 | General



WEEK 121

God, what is your guidance for me today?

Think of the life lessons you have been presented with


What have you experienced, and what have they 

shown you?

Are the lessons repeat lessons? Ones you 

haven’t quite learned yet?


are the lessons new?

Whatever they are see how they

may apply to different areas of your life

and not necessarily just the most obvious.


mine the gold that is the wisdom

contained in your recent experiences.

Make at least one statement about them

to yourself that is clear and precise.

Hold that thought and see where 

it leads… where the wisdom takes you

and how it may expand your thinking.

Remember that knowledge is information 

accumulated and organized in your brain, 

that you might draw from it.

Wisdom is being able to rightly discern,

through experience or insight,

when and how to use specific knowledge

applied to circumstances for the

overall good of a person, situation, or community.

Learn… and be wise.


Evening Reflection 

I recently had the experience of working with someone on a project of mine. I wanted another pair of eyes. As it turns out, my project wasn’t important enough to the person to give it the attention I desired. It reminded me that our “babies” are not other people’s babies and we have to see our creations through with or without the dutiful attention of a desired soul.

I also recently taught, to a church choir, a challenging song I had written. It did not have a repeating chorus and took effort to remember. Not enough rehearsal time was available before the concert where the song would be presented. Though the song came across well enough, there was also the unmistakable energy of the singers not being very confident. This was another life lesson for me. And a repeating one. It was… ‘Don’t put other folks or yourself in a position of doing something so challenging without adequate time and space for all to be confident in its presentation. I hope I learn it this time.

And yes, many specific lessons can be applied to a larger life context. To be a good steward of time and talent is a good idea across the board. And while there are certainly times to let others view and comment on your creations, ultimately we must own what has been given us to create. 

God is able to take care of the things we give God… and God is also able to take care of the things that we are given by God.


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