Sharp Guidance

The Gift of a New Year

by | Feb 1, 2022 | General


A brand-new year has been given to us as a gift. What a wonderful gift! 

How will you begin this new year of 2022? How will you use your gift?

We have many different possibilities, many choices, of how we might make use of this gift of a new year. 

I’ve seen some people who are living in anxiety and fear of the year 2022, considering that it might be “2020 too,” a repeat of 2020, when we first experienced Covid. They’re worried and anxious about the new year. 

But our thoughts and actions can create our reality. So, how about we make a conscious decision to enter into this first month of the new year with a positive attitude and mindset? Let’s do it together! 

Let us be a like a blossom in the springtime, awakening to a new beginning in the world. We can open our eyes with a new freshness, loving to be alive on this precious earth at this time right now. 

Like a beautiful blossom opening in the spring, allowing its sweet fragrance to float into the air, we can remember to leave a sweet scent wherever we go, in all that we say and do in the new year. 

Let’s not forget to draw our nourishment from the depths in the solid ground of the Divine Source for an ever-flowing supply of strength and from the heights in the warmth of the shining rays of loving wisdom that warm our hearts and minds.  

Then our lives, in actions, attitudes, and words will grow to be a beauty to behold in the world, like the graceful and exquisite blossom of a rose. 

Let’s speak with the beauty of our whole being and with a smile shared with those who we encounter in the new year. Let’s let a warm glow and grace emanate from each one of us, enveloping those who are nearby with love and joy. 

Will you join me in using our gift of a new year in this way?

And let’s keep blossoming together in the new year 2022, reaching for the light through the stormy weather and bumpy terrain that may arise. 

Then what a beautiful new year it will be! 

Discover more inspiration in my book, Power for Life, and connect with me here. 


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