Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 85

by | Jan 20, 2022 | General




God, what is your guidance for me today? How would you have me live into this day?

Be divinity.

Imagine that you are not your body;

that you are the living light of God,

the gentle love of Christ

and Holy Spirit’s grace 

embodied as a servant

of The Great Work.

What work?

To manifest beauty…

to bring it into the world with your

own being.


Love… which is God’s essence.

In all you say to all;

in all you do to all;

let it be of Light, Love and Grace.

The beauty of divinity

will exude from you and the world will

experience God’s presence as you.

You… as a living vessel for divinity

will be a light unto the world, today.

How’s that for a day of living?

Are you willing to be this today?

Evening Reflection 

I have experienced that unless you are completely alone, there is, more than likely, somebody watching you. It may be a fleeting glance that you spot, or you can sometimes feel someone watching you and look in the right direction and catch them! Well, today’s guidance was interesting in that I caught way more people than I am use to looking in my direction for no particular reason. I cannot say for sure but the only reason that comes to mind is that I was much more conscious of trying to carry divine energy as beauty. Beauty seeks to be conspicuous; it wants to be noticed, and it is one aspect of divinity. It wasn’t my clothes… that’s for certain. Could it have been the energy of divinity that drew their attention? That is what I wondered.

When I went to pick up my wife at the airport in the late afternoon I noticed several people watching me at baggage claim. I was standing around like everyone else, but I was consciously aware of carrying the energy of divinity in my smile, and in the joy of seeing my wife after a week apart. I could feel the light and beauty of divinity in me, expressed as me, flowing into the world around me. I noticed that some of the people looking in my direction were smiling a bit and not averting their eyes. Others looked for a shorter time but showed little expression. Others quickly looked away when I looked at them looking at me. Was I being hyper sensitive? I don’t think so.

I think the presence of divine energy makes some people smile and hold their gaze while others remain nonchalant and still others look the other way altogether, avoiding the loving look of divine energies. Everyone is on their own path and has a unique relationship with Spirit, even if it is that they are atheists. Each of us is on our own wavelength, so to speak, and we respond to things differently, depending on our personalities and spiritual awareness and sensitivity.

We only need be true to ourselves, expressing the beauty of our soul as best we can. The results and effects… whether people notice or not, are not up to us. 


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