Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 84

by | Jan 12, 2022 | General




God, what is your guidance for me today? How can I deepen my spirit in yours today?

Today, imagine that you are peace.

You move in it and extend it;

it surrounds you,

it radiates from you.

It sounds from your speaking

and is contained in your words.

Your manner and mannerisms evoke

a sense of calm.

Today let nothing take this peace away.

Meet any disturbance with compassion.

Let a deep breath bring you a fresh

inner breeze of its graces.

Pray it into all of your endeavors;

extend it from your mind and heart.

See expressions of peace all around you 

and draw from it…

in the lull between gusts of wind,

in the stillness of blossoms on trees;

in the sure, strong stance of the mountain;

in the quiet hovering of clouds;

in the gentle heat of the sun,

in the steadiness of your breathing;

in the relaxation of your muscles,

especially your neck, shoulders and face.

Today, make peace yours.

Make peace you.

And in so doing

there will be peace in the world, today.

Evening Reflection 

I live in the foothills of Boulder, Colorado. As I was writing today’s guidance, I saw Para gliders lifting off from the mountainside and floating on the breezes and updrafts. They made no sound that I could hear and the sight of them slowly moving across the sky in circles and dips looked incredibly peaceful. This is not a hobby I am likely to take up but I can extend my imagination and receive the peace offered by this beautiful sight. 

And I did.

Peace is offered in many ways in life and today’s guidance point to a few examples from nature. We can receive nature’s peaceful blessings and bring it into our own bodies. It is one reason people go walk in the woods or sit by a creek or go fishing, camping, or simply go to the garden.

We are porous beings. Our eyes can take in visions of peace. Our ears can take in sounds of peace. There are countless ways to bring peace into us. But there is also always a place of peace inside of us ready to be released when needed, if we know how to access it. Our deepest selves are peaceful. Meditation is one way to access this reservoir within us. Prayer is another tool. These tools can help release the divine warmth of love and peace stored within.

Whether from the outside in or the inside out we are surrounded by peace. Even in the midst of chaos peace can be ours. It is up to us to claim it and hold on to it so that it remains in us and becomes a part of all we are and all we do.

Ultimately peace comes as an inner feeling even if the catalyst is from the outside. 

Ultimately, it is an inside job.

How are your insides today?


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