God, what would you have of me today?
May you see the wonder of being today.
May you recognize divine moments
and lose count of blessings experienced.
May you find joy in who you are
and peace in who you are becoming.
May you be comfortable in your
own skin… and awed by your own life.
May you look at the sun and
see your own brightness.
May you look at the stars and
know your royal place in the cosmos.
May you see the beauty of your own soul
and live into the gloriousness of your
very existence.
May you feel me smiling at you,
laughing with you
and living in you… as you.
may you be blessed with these blessings
even just one of them.
Evening Reflection
Wow! What a MAY YOU day!
This morning there was a fire in the mountains near where I live. From my office balcony I could see the fire fighting helicopters doing their work, dumping water on the fire. It was amazing to watch them even taking water from the nearby Wonderland Lake I sometimes jog around, then flying back off toward the rising smoke and flames. This sight connected me with the may you’s in the first stanza, as the firefighters created divine moments with their heroics, flying skills and technology, making me appreciate the wonder of being, especially in the midst of such danger.
Later that morning I received feedback from a questionnaire I had sent out to friends for an online business course I am taking. It asks them to name my three best qualities. In receiving the feedback, I felt peace about who I am becoming, seeing myself from the perspective of people who have known me a long time.
At a concert in the afternoon, I connected with a few more may you’s. As the joyous chorale sang and special guests performed bluegrass music in the church’s sanctuary, the uplifting sounds wafted into my ears, heart and mind. I could feel God smiling at me and laughing with me… living in me, as me!
During intermission I spotted a young lady in a wheel chair. She looked like someone who had visited our studio a couple of weeks ago with a group that danced with us. I went to see if it was she, and it was. I met her parents and told them all about our time tap dancing with her, letting them know how I told her that she could whirl and twirl in her wheel chair as we tapped. She was so excited to see my wife and me again. I could feel my brightness (didn’t even need the sun) and was a little awed at the life that allowed Jeannine and I to provide a safe, fun evening for a non-verbal, wheel chair bound divine soul. Talking of this experience connected me with the may you of finding joy in who I am.
When the concert ended we stayed to speak to one of the performers in the choir we knew. With a beaming face he thanked us for coming. As we drove home I could feel the gloriousness of my own existence. It is a glory all humans possess, I believe. One that when felt, can connect one to reverence and humility, awe and gratitude. I did lose count of the blessings of the day but remain amazed that this one day allowed me to touch, however briefly, each of the MAY YOU’s. Wow!
I think if everyone paid attention, all humans could do this everyday.
How’d you do with the MAY YOU’s today?