Sharp Guidance

Dazzle! Sparkle! Shine!

by | Dec 15, 2021 | General



Holiday lights are sparkling all around town. What a wonderful reminder for us! 

Be a jewel in the world today. Dazzle! Sparkle! Shine!

We can remember to glimmer and sparkle with sacred brilliance, adding beauty wherever we go today. 

In Boulder, Colorado, where I live, there’s a great shining star that’s lit on the western side of town each year, illuminating the hillside and radiating holiday cheer to the town.  It’s been a beloved tradition for more than 75 years here in town and continues to be even today. Yet, it’s not been without some troubles and controversy. 

For many years, the image alternated from a shining star to an Easter cross in celebration of the holidays. A controversy arose in the community about the religious nature of the symbols that were being displayed on city property. Eventually the Easter cross disappeared, leaving the remaining shining star we see today. 

Then there was the time that some university students played a prank, changing the shape of the star to the letter A to represent their institution. A harmless action compared to what arose in the 1980’s. 

The star was lit in honor of the American hostages being held in Iran. But soon, local environmentalists vandalized it, cutting wires and removing bulbs, in protest against its waste of electricity and disruption to the local environment on the land. 

Despite its challenges over the years, the star continues to shine and sparkle on the western hillside of Boulder today, bringing joy and beauty to people now for 75 years. 

It’s had to change and transform over time, overcoming obstacles and learning to adapt to current times. In recent years, the star has had its 365 bulbs replaced with more environmentally-friendly ones and now has the electricity needed to keep the lights shining generated through wind-power. 

What a brilliant reminder the star can be to all of us.

Dazzle! Sparkle! Shine! 

Bring joy, beauty, and warmth to those you encounter today. 







Persevere through the challenges and obstacles that arise. You may need to adjust, be flexible, or be open to something new, but let your divine light shine forth from the inside out. 

Be a jewel in the world today. Dazzle! Sparkle! Shine!

Find more inspiration in my recent book, Power for Life, and discover more upcoming events to connect with me here.  


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