Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 74

by | Nov 14, 2021 | General




God, what is your guidance for me today? How would you have me live into the world? 


remember that you are not a body. 

You are spirit… and have been given your 

body for a divine purpose. 

What purpose? 

To grow your soul; 

to give your self back to Divinity – 

to me… as a thank you and 

an offering of what you have become 

and are yet becoming, daily. 


What are you offering? 

How are you thanking Presence for the gift 

of life you experience? 

What have you become?  

What are you becoming? 

What would be your honest physical posture 

if you had to come before me?  

Would it be a posture of confusion?  

Fear? Humility? 

Happiness? Regret? Oops? Apologetic? 



consider these things. Live them into  

the day and see how it informs you  

and influences you, remembering that what you  

are is my gift to you, and what you become,  

even today,  

is your gift back to me. 



Evening Reflection 

In my day-to-day existence it is fairly easy for me to lose site that I am a spirit having a human experience. I am a product of western culture, and in that, it may be harder because traditional western spirituality ie. the Christian faiths, don’t generally connect to the concepts of karma and reincarnation. Consciousness studies and the many out-of-body and near-death experiences that are available to read or hear about have helped in this matter. Still, I have experienced that it can be unsettling to some to think of themselves as a spirit only having a body.  

It is comforting to me to know that I will exist after my body can no longer hold me.  

I too, have had a near death experience, but it obviously was not my time, yet. 

Faith for many is a matter of, well… faith… however one arrives at it. For me, my personal experiences have given me a faith first offered by my parents and church family. But now, I don’t just believe… I know. And so, becoming all I can is a matter of profound gratefulness. I have felt the growth of my soul even while it was happening. I feel it in circumstances where I act differently, with more gifts of love than force of will, pride or emotions. When I experience this divine grace it more often than not brings me to tears, due to the sublime sweetness of divinity love. 

If I were to be in the presence of the Creator, my body posture would be this: I would be kneeling, but sitting back on my heels. My hands would be resting on my lap folded into each other, and my face would be turned upward with a huge smile that is saying beneath its beam… “Thank you, I’m home.”  



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