Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 73

by | Nov 7, 2021 | General




God, what is your guidance for me today? How may I deepen my connection to your spirit? 

Begin with prayer. 

Find a few minutes alone to focus your attention on me. 

Do not multitask. 

Whatever you are doing, stop – and make prayer  

the only thing you are doing when you pray. 


Begin with acknowledging my presence.  

This does not have to do with whether you feel 

something… but knowing that I am with you. 

Next, acknowledge my love;  

one that allows the very gift of existence 

… your very life, all those you love. 


Acknowledge your blessings, the beauty you’ve seen, 

and kindness you have experienced.  

Give thanks. 

Acknowledge grace you have received –  

and mercy.  

Ask for forgiveness where needed. Confess 

any wrongdoing and open yourself to my  

cleansing pardon. 


Ask for guidance this day and pray for those 

you will meet.  

Pray for the world.  

Ask for an ever-deepening connection to my Spirit. 

End your prayer and remain in silence a moment. 

Take a deep breath… then exhale. 


Move into the day with the peace that prayer offers.  

As the day’s cares and responsibilities unfold,  

let morning prayer’s divine energy hold you  

as you hold on to it, 

staying aware of its presence within you. 

Revisit its contents in the spaces of the day.  

Let its peace come back and surround you.  

Let it carry you this day, and move you  

through the day… 

all day. 



Evening Reflection 

I grew up in a praying family. My dad was a Presbyterian minister and had a powerful, committed prayer life. You could see the seriousness of his commitment and the strength of his faith right on his face as he prayed. Even for people who may have had trouble believing for themselves, they knew he believed; and they came to him for counsel because of his faith. 

One day, as a young seminary student, I went home for a visit. As I walked down the hallway between bedrooms I sensed a strong energy field. It was so powerful that I stopped in my tracks because of the difference in the feeling in the air. I wondered what this was I was feeling. I got very quiet and still within my being and focused my senses. After a few moments I said to myself, “This feels like prayer.” I didn’t know how I could feel that, since I didn’t see anyone praying. In that moment I realized my father’s study was in the basement right below where I was standing. I went downstairs and there he was!  

He was praying!  

From that moment on I never doubted that when a person prays the energetic field that prayers generate and ride on is pushed out into the world. Furthermore, it became clear through my own experience that if the faith or outcry of the person praying is powerful enough – it can be felt. If thoughts are things, then prayer thoughts are a unique creation in themselves. What a remarkable moment it was for me, as a son of a minister, witnessing firsthand the power of prayer and my father’s strength of spirit, sight unseen! 

My father started and ended his day with prayer, and this guidance is a reminder to me of the importance of setting a tone for my daily living that includes prayer. To go into the day with a prayer is like taking a force field with you. You can re-enter this field consciously anytime. It can protect your soul, shield you from the daggers of the day, insulate you from others’ trying to tear you down with negativity, and block those who try to take away your joy. 

Prayer is a powerful ally in life. And it can change things, starting with you. And that is a good place for any of us to start. Every day. 




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