Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 61

by | Aug 29, 2021 | General







Week 61

God, how may I live in wisdom today?

Invite your thoughts and decisions

into the realm of divinity.

As you think, consider, speak and 

decide today, let all of your thoughts pass

through the Presence of the Divine Mind.

Let your heart be open to 

revelation; sense an intelligence

higher than your own.

Wisdom transcends ordinary intelligence

and invites an expansion of

consciousness where new insights are

waiting to be received.

Today, gently move toward God’s

presence in all you do.

Lean in with heart, soul and mind…

and be attentive to the waves of 

wisdom ready to flow onto the

shore of your being.





Week 61


Evening Reflection

It is basic human nature, I suppose, to admire our own brilliance! We humans like to think we are smart, able, intelligent and wise. And we are… to a certain extent. And of course, everyone is different. 

Today’s guidance reminds me that there is a source that is THE Source. It is a higher mind than my own and I have experienced that it is always waiting to be invited in. It is why Jesus said, “I stand at the door and knock.” (Revelations 3:20). Even though God is always present everywhere we have free will to ask for help, or not; to desire to connect with; to invite in Presence with its wisdom. We can shut God out or let God in, even though every breath we take is one allowed by the Creator. That, I believe, is proof enough of God’s love, indeed.

Revelation can come when we make room for The One Who Sees All to show us. We can ask to see what we cannot with our human eyes. And if God wills, it may happen. And when it does, revelation can be sensed as different than your own intelligence figuring it out.

The beauty, awe and wonder of this kind of connection is off the charts powerful. And it is always available, if we invite Presence into our circumstances… and lean in.


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