Sharp Guidance

Guidance and Reflection – Week 59

by | Aug 15, 2021 | General

WEEK 59 


God, how might I live in wisdom today? What guidance do you have for me? 


Consider your spiritual growth. 

Are you a better person than you were  

ten years ago? 

What quality of goodness has increased in you most? 

What challenges you most? 

Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, 

goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and  

self control are qualities to consider. 

Are you judgmental? Or, are you 

better able to let people be 

who they are? 

Unconditional love… 

extending love to all, no exceptions… 

How are you doing with this? 

Being a forgiving person… 

How is it going? 

Are you wiser? 

If so, how do you know? 


Remember… to live in wisdom 

is to live in me… to abide in my divinity. 

Wisdom transcends the intelligence 

of the mind and flows from the  

heart of my spirit, which is love, 

to you, every time you ask. 


Week 59 

Evening Reflection 

For those who pay attention to their spiritual lives the question of better can be somewhat dangerous. It tempts one to compare oneself to others. However, at least the comparison here is meant to be a comparison with ourselves only. 

I think most people would like to answer, “yes” to whether they are better people than they were ten years ago. However, I have met people who consciously stop growing, happy where they are. They are not better, just older. It certainly does not mean they are in any way bad, just satisfied; not so much interested in seeing where they can go and grow in their spiritual lives. I have also met people who are not as good as they were ten years prior.  

We can slide backward perhaps even more easily than moving forward in our spiritual journey. Perhaps a better analogy is that it is easier to fall than it is to make that climb up the spiritual ladder. Catch me on a bad day, especially when I am tired, and it may be a harder call to say I am a better person. Furthermore, it is easier to be better, or at least appear better, when things in life are going your way. 

We are a complicated species; a universe within our own being. Spiritual growth is only one component of our makeup, and being better, if we choose to engage in that evolution at all, means seeking to become something we have not been. It means working to become a person who can exhibit a greater capacity to express and live the qualities of the fruit of the spirit that the guidance listed. 

The thing to do is what the last paragraph suggests. Live in the divinity of God. From there we will move in the right direction, even when tired, even if we have a bad day; even if we fail in moments and need to forgive ourselves. What a blessing and gift that unconditional love and forgiveness is always available from God’s, and the  love of God… a love we can be inspired by. 


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