Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 52

by | Jul 12, 2021 | General



Week 52

God, what guidance do you have for me today?

Be kind.

In each encounter you have today

notice the attitude of your smaller self,

as it tries to speak and act for you.

Bypass this part of you

with the strength of your higher Self, 

your spiritual will power, and your intent

to be kind.

No matter your general mood,

open yourself to my presence,

allowing my grace to speak and act through you.

Breathe in love…

Breathe out kindness.

Do this as many times as you need to

until you begin to feel a gentleness

of your spirit.

Speak from this gentle kindness.

Let all you do flow from

this loving energy.

When you feel a challenge to your kindness,

pause and breathe in love…

breathe out kindness.

Do this today… all day… with all;

for this is great blessing in the world,

from you.





Week 52


Evening Reflection


I woke up this morning in a bad mood. That is unusual for me, especially since I slept ten hours and had nice dreams. It was just one of those unexplainable developments. (Maybe Mars was in retro and I didn’t know it). Ever have a morning like that?  I sat up in bed and said, “Uh oh.” 

As the morning unfolded everything and everyone somehow was getting on my nerves without doing anything! As I sat to write my morning guidance, I could tell it was not authentic. I… and I mean I as in me… I was trying to write something instead of letting Spirit through. I turned the page over (I handwrite the guidances before I type them) and asked God to help me. Today’s guidance is what came through. 


Well, whew! I had to read this one several times today. I never did get out of the bad mood. I just rode it, watched it and even loved it like when you are being compassionate to someone who is a certain way because they just don’t know better. To breathe in love and breathe out kindness when you feel like you don’t want to? Well it challenges whether you are willing to be willing to be loving and kind. It is my life’s intent to be just that. Not just willing to be willing, but actually to be loving and kind. And while acknowledging I am only human (did I really have to acknowledge that?) I also know that intention is powerful energy. Today, I decided to intend to be kind anyway, though it is kind of enjoyable to be in a bad mood, right? And even if I may have begrudgingly breathed in love today… I did it anyway. This proved to me yet again that our higher Self can triumph over our selfish pride. But it was God’s grace that allowed me to do that, not my own strength. Thank God.

And you?


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