Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 49

by | Jun 20, 2021 | General



Week 49

God, what is your guidance for me today?

Contemplate that your life is a gift

     from me

and that your work is an offering

     of gratitude and thanks.

Regard your offerings in the world

     as sacred. 

Let it come from a place of love 

     and with a heart of service to others.

Work with joy, serve with excellence.

     Share your skills and talents with

gladness and be fulfilled in your soul’s


Remember humor. 

     Laugh… and make others laugh as well.

Remember its healing,

     freeing, life renewing quality

and share its gifts.


see yourself as a sacred instrument

     of Divine Will;

a manifestation of the love of God;

     an ambassador of grace

and a sharer of peace and light.




Week 49


Evening Reflection

This was a powerful, effective guidance for both my wife and me. We presented our annual performance piece, Tap Into Love. We told the journey of our relationship in song, tap dance, poems and storytelling. It was our own tour-de-force of our combined talents and skills as writers, musicians who both play piano and communicators. It was a few months in preparation, and it was challenging to do while trying to live a regular life having four children to keep up with. We had to switch gears so many times as we morphed from parent to performer, problem solver to bill payer, and all the things one must do to build a show, from costumes to sound and set.

And so, this guidance reminded us of our true calling as we were stretched to our max. It is that we are in service to divinity. We are called into our work and we offer our lives and talents back to divinity in service of God’s will for us as we recognize it. To think of our show as an offering was a powerful way to step outside of ourselves, reduce stress, and open to more joy in the midst of the intense time crunch we are in. Did we practice enough? Are we prepared?

All of that was eased when we became an offering; when we sacralized our work; when we remembered we are ambassadors; when we remembered to laugh; when we reclaimed our humble privilege to share peace and light.  To do so is a gift to us even as we offer our gift to others.

How was this guidance for you today?


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