Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 35

by | Apr 19, 2021 | General



Week 35

God, what guidance do you have for me today?


Celebrate life!

Your life!


Contemplate the years

Appreciate the journey

Be thankful

for the blessings

Honor the challenges,

the tough days…

the hard times.

Dive into your soul

and see who is there now.

See the brightest gems of your being,

and smile.

Acknowledge the rough spots

and love them.

Celebrate that you are…

what you are…

and what you are becoming.



and do a dance

  for the Creator!





Week 35


Evening Reflection

I know this guidance came through partly because it happens to be my birthday today. But it can apply to anyone on any day.

I read it to my wife and she simply said, “That’s a tall order.” She’s right. Most of the lines in the guidance are power packed. To contemplate the years cold take hours, since contemplation, when done well is a time consuming endeavor. To appreciate the journey could be challenging, depending on the journey and the experiences contained in the journey. 

So, my response to the guidance today was that it is a birthday gift meant to last all year. Presence came through to present me with an ongoing life check. But I love that it starts with… celebrate! That I can do, today.

I worked and celebrated that I feel fulfilled my calling. My wife took me to dinner. We enjoyed each other’s company as well as a delicious meal. Can you say bananas foster for dessert? That was a little heaven on earth.

I did laugh and sing. I will get to the dancing next week, perhaps. The rest I will take my time with. And I am thankful for all the blessings, which are too many to count, which brings me back to celebration. Celebration is the beginning and culmination of it all anyway, and it does not require specifics. It’s all in there. So today I celebrated. And you?


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