Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 34

by | Apr 12, 2021 | General

Week 34 


God, how might I live into your will for me today? 


You are off to a good start… 

    spending time in my presence 

         in a conscious and deeply connecting way. 


       It is my desire for you to grow 

and be ever-evolving into more 

of the living Light that is the very 

    essence of your being. 


       Staying conscious of my presence 

in you and through you, and 

sensing my guidance throughout your 

day in all you do and say; 

will speed your spiritual growth 

and maturity. 


Practice keeping this awareness. 

As you notice yourself losing it, 

gently bring your focus and  

attention back,  

as we dance the dance 

of life together, 



Week 34 

Evening Reflection 

Well, I was successful with this, mostly. But I did have one major faux pas. I experienced someone who thinks they know it all; who also took it upon themselves to question a project I am working on. They questioned why I needed everything to be so perfect on a product I am planning to send to a company for possible licensing. The way they questioned me, with condescension in their tone got to me. I totally lost my focus on living the guidance and got so into my ego with this person, giving back to them answers that smacked of my own ability to snap back with attitude, coldness and put down. Arrggh! Now, I am endeavoring to forgive myself and move on.  

It just goes to show that there can be a test waiting around the corner when you least expect it. It can sneak up on you and challenge your spiritual practice and commitment to love in all circumstances, and not let anyone get to you in such a way as to make you lose your peace. I failed today, again. However, I also succeeded – in knowing I am always on the path and not at the destination. And when that happens, it helps to laugh at yourself and realize that tomorrow is another day. 

How’d you do? 

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