Sharp Guidance

Sharp Guidance & Reflection – Week 27

by | Mar 1, 2021 | General




God, what guidance do you have for me today? 


Live this day 

in the awareness 

of divinity’s presence. 


It surrounds you, 

flows through you 

and is the energy of creation itself. 


Be aware of its gentle but powerful  love. 

See it emanating from all things and all people. 


As you move through the day  

see it move with you… 

As you communicate with others 

feel it speaking in you, from you… as you. 


See all of creation vibrating in the light of the love,

grace and blessing that allows being to be and existence to exist. 


And simply appreciate. 


Give thanks. 


Show gratitude. 








Jump for joy. 


Week 27

Evening Reflection

Well, I didn’t jump for joy. I did smile and laugh. I thought about jumping for joy and imagined me doing it. It was a flying day for me and I imagined jumping for joy in the middle of the airport. That made me laugh. 

Once on the airplane, there was a young boy in a family of four who started crying and screaming. He did not want to be on the plane. It was his first flight. He was so loud that people actually changed seats. I couldn’t read or even think well with the noise he created. So, I put my materials down and just listened. I found myself having a lot of compassion for the child and especially his father, who was trying so hard to calm him down. The whole thing was divine and precious. Eventually, the child got tired from crying so powerfully and went to sleep. 

As the plane took off, I focused on divinity’s presence around the plane, in all of the souls onboard and in the very air we were soaring into. When the plane landed, I jumped for joy in my head again. I called my mother to let her know I was safely on the ground. Now it was a bus to my car, then the car to home with a stop at the car wash. It was cold and I had a deep appreciation for the workers who were hand drying all the cars in such cold weather. When I finally walked into my home my wife greeted me, we embraced… and then I (yep, you guessed it) jumped for joy!  

It was worth the wait. 



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